Der schwarze Lego Loch Editor Treffer

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15.10.2019 22:14
#101 RE: Der schwarze Lego Loch Editor Treffer

Dann mach ich mal!

They wrote a script for Lord of the Rings and ended up having to perform it with finger puppets. A game that fails due to overambition is still better than a game that fails because it's beep-boop committee-designed sludge coughed out by a corporation staffed by robots. At least ambition implies that you have some kind of soul, rather than a CPU with fistfuls of money stuffed into it.
- Yahtzee


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15.10.2019 22:15
#102 RE: Der schwarze Lego Loch Editor Treffer

Das hab ich nicht kommen sehen.

"Männer sind vom Mars, wen juckt's woher die Frauen kommen!"


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